SmoothLase is a natural, non-surgical method to tighten your skin and give you a more youthful feel and appearance. An FDA-approved Fotona Lightwalker laser is used to stimulate the natural development of collagen in the areas around the mouth, nose, and chin. This active activates a healing process that tightens, tones and lifts sagging skin. It restores elasticity and smooths light to medium wrinkling while preventing future wrinkles from developing. You can enjoy beautiful, natural-feeling skin without injectable dermal fillers.
This is an excellent option for patients with mild to moderate wrinkles and sagging who wish to avoid surgery while still achieving impressive anti-aging results.
Using Your Body’s Natural Collagen.
When we’re young, our body is constantly renewing and replacing the skin. But as we get older, the process of skin replacement slows down, along with the production of vital proteins like collagen and elastin. Loss of collagen is the main cause of skin aging, wrinkles, scarring, uneven skin tone, dry skin, and poor skin texture.
Your body still has the ability to make these vital proteins, it just needs to be stimulated. And that’s what SmoothLase does. Unlike dermatological lasers that penetrate from the outside and produce visible disturbance to the skin, Smoothlase works from within the mouth. It stimulates your body to produce new collagen and elastin in the area of your mouth, lips, chin, jawline, nose, and cheeks. With the restoration of plumpness, elasticity and tightness, the skin regains its youthful look
SmoothLase Benefits:
Significant lifting and tightening of skin into a more youthful position
Results develop subtly & gradually, no radical changes
Healthy rejuvenation and creation of new, more elastic collagen on the inside with long-lasting results
No downtime, go about your daily routine immediately after treatment
Short in-office procedures & no foreign substances
No surgical scars, bruising, or swelling
No pre-treatment preparation
No post-treatment requirements or medications
No skin redness or sensitivity to sun
Comfort levels vary depending on the particular patient and the treatment location. It is normal to experience some sensitivity, feeling of heat, or mild discomfort in areas that have increased nerve density. Most people leave the office feeling comfortable. Any tingling, tenderness, or slight swelling of tissues (looks good) is also normal, mild and temporary in nature.
It also won’t leave any visible signs of treatment, unlike a chemical peel, which will leave a very visible red face. Though you may have some redness, this will fade quickly. The skin might feel warmer than normal, but this will also dissipate over a few hours.

How many SmoothLase treatments do you need?
Treatment is based on the person’s age. Most people require one treatment per 10 years of age. For example, a 40 year old would need 4 treatments to see optimal results.
The procedure takes 30-45 minutes.
Treatments are given 3 weeks apart to allow the new collagen time to develop. Collagen continues to be formed for about one month after the last treatment.
*After your course of treatment is completed, we advise a collagen booster treatment every 6 months. How fast your collagen re-ages depends upon your overall health, habits, and lifestyle. Remember, prevention can save you time and money in most aspects of your life. So once you go through your rejuvenation, be sure to maintain it.
You can help keep your post-treatment results by avoiding the things which damage your skin and cause collagen breakdown (i.e., aging): Excess UV radiation and sun damage, dietary toxins, excess sugar or alcohol, smoking, and smoking.